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HomeGame WorldHow to Set Up Your Own Minecraft Server: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Set Up Your Own Minecraft Server: Step-by-Step Guide

Minecraft is a popular sandbox game for many reasons, but the biggest reason is that it offers the opportunity to play with other players.

To play online with your friends, you'll need to set up a Minecraft server that you can all connect to. In this article, I'll show you how you can easily create your own Minecraft server and start playing with your friends today!

Please note: We recommend that you get parental permission before setting up a Minecraft server. Some parts of this guide may pose security risks, so have a parent present and do not download anything extra.

What is a Minecraft Server?

A Minecraft server allows multiple people to play together in the same Minecraft world. Having your own server means you and your friends create a world from scratch. You have full control of the in-game features and back-end commands.

Can you create a Minecraft server for free?

Yes, you can create a free multiplayer Minecraft server for you and your friends using your computer. Using Java Steps to set up a Minecraft server Follow. To play Minecraft with your friends, you will need to set up port forwarding and share your IP address (Warning: (Only share your IP address with people you trust.) When you create your own server, you only pay for the cost of running your computer.

Kid playing on Minecraft server

Steps to Create a Minecraft Server

  1. Download Latest Version of Java
  2. Download Server.jar File
  3. Create Your Server Configuration Files
  4. Run Your Server
  5. Set Up Port Forwarding
  6. Configuring Server Properties

1. Download the Latest Version of Java

Let's start creating our own Minecraft server.

Create a new folder to contain all of our server downloads. In our examples, we will place everything directly into a folder on the desktop called “My Awesome Server.” To create a new folder:

  • right click on any empty space on your desktop
  • Click on “New Folder”
  • rename the folder to “My Awesome Server”
Minecraft server step 1 Java

If you do not have the latest version of Java, Download. This link should lead to the correct Java download regardless of whether you are using a Mac or PC.

  • Visit the address
  • Click “Download Java” to start downloading the installer
  • Add the Java installer to the folder you created in the previous step
  • Once downloaded, double-click the installer file and follow the instructions
Minecraft server step 1 Java
Minecraft server step 1 Java

2. Download Server.jar File

You should now have the latest version of Java. Now server.jar you need to download the file.

java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.1.20.1.jar nogui

If you're following the images/GIFs in this tutorial, you may find that you have a different Java version number than the one shown. No problem, the steps should be the same.

You may receive a warning on your computer stating that this file may be harmful. This is a normal warning for any .jar file. If you don't know where it came from, you should be worried. But I think we can trust Minecraft on this one.

If given the option, save the .jar file in the “My Awesome Server” folder. If not, copy and paste or drag the file into the folder after the download is finished.

Minecraft server step 2 server.jar download

3. Create Your Minecraft Server Configuration Files

server.jar Once your file is inside your “My Awesome Server” folder, double-click on it to automatically create your configuration files, or right click > open option.

  • Open the “My Awesome Server” folder
  • To automatically create your configuration files server.jar double click on the file or right click > open
  • Open the EULA file (example: eula.txt)
  • Change eula=false to eula=true
  • Click File > Save or press ctrl+s to save the EULA file.

There is a EULA agreement (End User License Agreement) that you need to accept to prevent your server from crashing immediately. Open the EULA file (may be eula.txt depending on your machine) and eula=false expression eula=true Change it to . Then server.jar To save the file, go to File > Save or ctrl+s Press the keys.

Minecraft server step 3 config files

4. Run Your Minecraft Server

You can now run your new server.

  • Double click on the server.jar file

Once again, server.jar double click on your file. It will now create a handful of new files and you will see your server start up.

If you want to create your own Minecraft server to play with you on the same internet connection, you have reached your goal. Congratulations!

For friends on the same internet connection, Log into Minecraft and click on the Multiplayer tab; they should be able to find the server you just created. Remember, you both need to be using the same version of Minecraft, for example Minecraft bedrock or Java edition.

Minecraft server step 4 run your server

Server Window

The server window provides additional information to help you keep track of what's going on:

  1. Use the Statistics panel to see how much memory the server is using
  2. Use the Players panel to check who is connected to the server
  3. Use the Log and Chat panel to view server messages and player chats
  4. Use the command field below to enter server commands

For friends with different internet connections, We still have more work to do. In that case, continue…

5. Set Up Port Forwarding

Warning: This is probably the most challenging part of the guide and also the part that can cause security risks. Make sure you have a parent with you when completing this step and do not download anything extra.

Port forwarding is necessary so that your friends can connect to your server when they connect to an internet connection different from yours. Unfortunately, this step will differ depending on which router you are using. I will list the steps for setting up my Xfinity router for port forwarding, but you may need to research your particular router and follow their steps.

  • Find your router make and model
  • Search Google for “How to Port Forward for [Router brand and model]”
  • Add a port forwarding for Minecraft to port 25565 on your router
  • Share your server IP address with your friends
  • Your friends can use your IP address in the “Add Server” option in Minecraft

The first step for me was to go to the Port Forwarding section on the Xfinity websiteI found this by Googling “How to Do Port Forwarding on My Xfinity Router” so I would suggest you do a similar search for yours, but with your particular router name.

Minecraft server step 5 port forwarding

The next step for me had common configurations to use including Minecraft so I chose that. If you don't have this option, the important thing to know is that Minecraft 25565 is to use the port number. Any other port number will not work.

Minecraft server step 5 port forwarding

Please note that I have disabled my IP address., this is the part you want to keep safe. Don't give your IP address to people you don't know or trust. Depending on your router, they may reserve a dedicated IP address for you (Xfinity did this for me). In this case, this is the IP Address you will give your friends to access your server. If they don't reserve an address for you, you will need to use your own IP address.

Minecraft server step 5 port forwarding

Once you have completed Port Forwarding, your friends can log into Minecraft and Add Server can click the button. They can give the server whatever name they want (it doesn't have to match your name) and then type in your IP address.

If you don't know your public IP address, you can Google "What is my IP address?" and it should be one of the first results.

The full IP address should look something like this:

When adding a server, add the IP address at the end :25565 You may or may not need to add it. If it fails to recognize the server, we recommend trying without adding it first, then adding it.

Joining your friend's Minecraft server
Joining your friend's Minecraft server

6. Configuring Minecraft Server Properties

Now that you are running your own Minecraft server, it is time to customize your server properties to your liking.

  • In the “My Awesome Server” folder Find the file
  • Right click and select “Open”
  • Select Notepad
  • Edit the server properties and click “Save”

Inside the “My Awesome Server” folder, You will see a file called . At this time your computer will not know how to open the file, but right click and Open togetherIf you select , you will see a list of options for opening the file.

You can open this file in any text editor of your choice, but Notepad works well enough. Once you open the file, different server features You'll see a long list of them, each of which you can edit as you wish.

A list of all server features and what they mean Here You can find them here, but let's discuss some of the common ones you should know about first.

  • difficulty – takes a string or integer property that sets the difficulty level of your server. Integer values 0, 1, 2, or 3'type. String values are in order peaceful, easy, normal, or hard'is.
  • hardcore – takes a boolean (true or false) value that determines how your players will be treated if they die in-game. If you set the value to true, a player will go into spectator mode when they die.
  • level-seed – is empty by default and automatically creates a seed when you start your server. However, if you found a seed on the internet that you want to use, you can type it here and have a copy of that world.
  • max-players – sets the maximum number of players allowed on your server at the same time. If you have a computer that struggles to function when many people are logged in at the same time, you will find this useful.
  • motd – visible to everyone who logs into your server Message of the Day settings. It can be useful for providing useful information to everyone at once.
  • pvp true A boolean value that, when set to , allows players to kill each other.
Minecraft server step 6 update server properties

Minecraft Server Creation Options

You can create a Minecraft server in a few different ways, so it's important to understand your options.

1 – Rent a Minecraft Server

You can create a Minecraft server through server hosting. In this case, you rent a server through a third party like Apex Hosting or Hostinger. These services do almost everything for you, but you do have to pay a monthly service fee for it. This can be as low as $5$ depending on the service you use.

2 – Use Minecraft Realms

Minecraft is a game that allows you to play with two additional players. Realms operates personal multiplayer servers called Realm. With Realm, your Minecraft world is online and always accessible, even if you log out. There is also Realms Plus. This is a personal Realms server for up to 10 additional players and also provides access to a curated Minecraft Marketplace content catalog.

3 – Create a Minecraft Server

You can run a Minecraft server yourself. This not only saves you from paying a monthly fee, but also gives you full control over how your server is managed. This article shows you how to create your own server without using a third party.

Things to Consider Before Hosting a Minecraft Server

Benefits of Hosting a Minecraft Server

  • You always have full control over the entire server. If you want something done, you can get it done as fast as you can do it yourself. You don't have to rely on anyone else to make changes.
  • You can upgrade your computer as you wish to increase performance.Many server hosting companies offer higher premiums for higher specs, but if you have the latest generation processor, the maximum amount of RAM, and the biggest and most powerful graphics card, your server could be one of the most powerful servers out there.
  • Setting up the network configuration and learning how to configure it can be fun. You will learn about various networking features and technologies that you probably would not otherwise need to know about.
  • You pay nothing except what is required to run your computer. Using a hosting company costs money, but by hosting your own server you only pay for the cost of keeping your computer running.

Disadvantages of Hosting a Minecraft Server

Hosting your own Minecraft server can be very rewarding, but there are a few drawbacks you should understand before trying it yourself.

  • To run your own server, you will need the appropriate hardware. This includes a PC running Windows 7 or a Mac running MacOS 10.4 or higher. While it is possible to host your own server on a Chromebook, it is beyond the scope of this tutorial.
  • You will need access to the appropriate computer, as well as an active internet connection and your router.
  • The exact computer specs you'll need will depend heavily on the type of server you're running and how many players are on it at any given time. The more players that log into your server, the more RAM and a more advanced processor will be required. The same goes for adding mods to your server. If you’re just playing Vanilla (meaning no mods!) you might be able to get by with a few GB of RAM, but once you start adding those awesome mods you’ll want to double, triple or even quadruple the amount of RAM allocated to your server.
  • Since you will need to run the server from a computer, you will want to have a good internet connection with a wired connection to your PC that will allow everyone to play at the same time. No one wants to log into a Minecraft server only to experience lag and be kicked out every 15 minutes for a modem reboot. Remember, a computer is required to run the server, and your friends can play on your server from any platform as long as they are running the exact same version of Minecraft that you are running. For example, Minecraft Java Edition 1.16.4 on your friends' devices if you are running a server on Minecraft Java Edition 1.16.4 will need to be installed.
  • How this server is run is entirely your responsibility. If something goes wrong, this yours Players will rely on you to resolve any issues or bugs they encounter, and if there are disagreements between players, you are usually the one to address them.
  • It requires more than just downloading a program and turning on your computer. You may need to configure your network and router, learn about port forwarding, and use the command line to edit configuration files.
  • The above requirements may lead to cyber attacks on your computer and private information. You could open your network to security risks like DDoS attacks. If your public IP address falls into the wrong hands, someone could find sensitive data about you, like your address! So please be careful if you choose this path and make sure you follow the steps below securely.

Enjoy Your Multiplayer Minecraft Server

There are many things you can do with your own Minecraft server, such as managing game settings, customizing your own whitelist, adding your own mods, and allocating as much memory as you have. We recommend starting small, but let your imagination run wild.

Please also remember not to share your IP address publicly or with people you do not know or trust.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I set up my Minecraft server to be cross-platform between bedrock and Java versions?

Direct cross-platform play is not possible on a vanilla Minecraft server. Java Edition and Bedrock Edition players are often unable to play with each other. However, there are solutions that make this possible using third-party plugins such as GeyserMC. These types of plugins allow Bedrock players to connect to Java servers, but they may have some limitations and are a bit more complicated to set up.

How many people can I host on my server?

The number of players you can host depends on your computer's capabilities. A good general rule of thumb is:

  • 4GB RAM: 5-10 players (without mods)
  • 8GB RAM: 10-20 players (with few modes)
  • 16GB RAM: 20+ players (with more modes)

Processor power, your internet connection, and the number of mods on your server will also affect performance. Test your server with more players and mods to determine its limits.

Is a home-hosted Minecraft server safe?

There are some security concerns when using port forwarding. You can reduce the risk by only sharing your IP address with people you trust. Also, make sure your firewall is properly configured and your computer has up-to-date antivirus software. For added security, consider using a VPN or reverse proxy. For children, parental supervision is recommended, especially during the port forwarding steps.



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