cPanel installation

First released in 1997, cPanel features a graphical user interface that automates the creation of web hosting accounts, making things much easier, especially for those without command line experience. This makes managing multiple domains, editing email accounts, creating databases, and many other tasks less time-consuming.

cPanel on, web hosting management You can organize all the basic components such as files, databases, e-mails from a single panel. In addition, there is support for many add-ons and tools that are life-saving for server administrators, such as courier scanning (virus scanning), mail queue management, backup tools.

Is cPanel Free?

cPanel is not a free control panel. It is a commercial application and requires a monthly or annual license to run. Of course, if you want to try cPanel, there is a short-term trial license option, but for long-term use, you need to get a license from official cPanel distributors.

How Much Does cPanel Cost?

cPanel license fee may vary depending on the number of domains hosted on the server and the server type. Therefore, to learn the current prices, cPanel official pricing page You can review.

What are the cPanel Alternatives?

If cPanel installation If you want to turn to different or relatively more economical solutions instead, there are alternatives such as Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPConfig or Webmin. However, cPanel continues to be one of the most preferred and reliable panels in the industry. Although the pricing policy may seem high to some users, the user experience and support services lead most businesses to think that it is worth the fee.

Can cPanel be Used on Windows?

A server with cPanel can be opened by users in any browser. However, cPanel itself can only be installed on CentOS 7 or CloudLinux systems. Windows Server or cPanel is not supported on different Linux distributions.

cPanel Server Requirements

The following minimum system requirements are recommended for running cPanel:

  • CentOS 7 operating system (or CloudLinux)
  • At least 2GB RAM (more recommended)
  • 1.1GHz processor
  • 40GB Disk Space (more recommended depending on need)

Providing sufficient resources is critical for long-term performance and stability. If you’re going to host a high-traffic site, definitely consider increasing those resources.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Easy and intuitive interface: Especially web hosting management It is quite simple for users who are inexperienced in the field.
  • Rich feature set: Comes with comprehensive tools from email management to databases and security tools.
  • Official support: Licensed users are provided with special, fast and solution-oriented technical support.
  • Large community: Since cPanel is one of the most popular control panels in the world, there are plenty of resources available on forums and community sites.


  • License fee: May be more expensive than other options.
  • No Windows support: Only works on certain Linux versions like CentOS and CloudLinux.
  • Resource usage: May add additional load on slower hardware or low-capacity servers.

Different Methods or Alternative Solutions

In addition to cPanel, there are also paid panels such as Plesk and DirectAdmin, and free but capable panels such as ISPConfig and Webmin. Most of these panels have their own advantages and disadvantages in terms of usability and security. For example, Plesk is a popular option as cPanel and can also run on Windows servers. DirectAdmin usually has a cheaper license model and offers basic functions quite easily. However, when it comes to additional features and advanced interfaces, cPanel is often one step ahead.

web hosting management

How to Install cPanel?

Now step by step cPanel installation Let's look at the process. In the instructions below, we will install cPanel by connecting to a CentOS 7 server with root access:

1. Connecting to the Server

Log in to the server via SSH with the root user. Example command is as follows:

ssh root@Server_IP

Once you log in successfully, you can start managing the server via the command line.

2. Screen Login

Since cPanel installation may take some time, you can continue the installation where you left off in case of a connection loss. screen It is useful to use screen. If you do not have it installed, you can install it with the following command:

yum install screen screen

3. Set a Valid Hostname

Before cPanel installation FQDN It is mandatory to set a hostname in the format (fully qualified domain name). You can set it using the following command or via your server control panel:

hostname domain.tld

4. Run the Installation Command

Now you can run the actual installation command. The following command will download the cPanel installation file and start the installation:

cd /home && curl -o latest -L && sh latest


5. Continue Installation via Web Interface

Once the terminal installation phase is complete, you will be presented with a URL. You can open this URL in your browser and make the final settings of cPanel.

After approving the terms of use on the screen that opens, you will need to make basic configurations such as your e-mail information, nameserver settings, etc. Once you have completed all the steps, you will be directed to the WHM (Web Host Manager) administration panel.

cPanel installation

6. Restart the Server

It is recommended to reboot your server once after the installation steps are completed so that the new services will be properly activated.


Next Steps

After completing the cPanel installation, you can easily perform all the important steps such as adding your website, creating a database, managing email accounts and customizing security settings from the WHM and cPanel interfaces. If you wish cPanel documentation You can learn about more advanced features by browsing.

Don't forget to check out our Web Development category for similar guides and more content.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: How long does it take to install cPanel?
Answer: It varies depending on the performance of your server, but usually within 20-30 minutes. cPanel installation This time may increase or decrease depending on your internet connection speed and the features of your server.

Question 2: Does cPanel perform automatic backups?
Answer: Yes, there is an automatic backup feature in cPanel. You can set up backup settings with scheduled tasks to take full or partial backups at certain intervals. This web hosting management makes your process more secure.

Question 3: Where can I purchase a cPanel license?
Answer: You can purchase monthly or annual licenses from official cPanel distributors or various hosting providers. The type of license you purchase may vary depending on the number of domains hosted and the type of server.

Question 4: Can I host all my sites on a single cPanel host?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to manage multiple domains, email accounts and databases on a single panel as long as your server hardware and cPanel license model allow it.

Conclusion (Closing Paragraph):
cPanel, cPanel installation And web hosting management It is an extremely practical, user-friendly and reliable alternative for users looking for a powerful solution. Although some users prefer different panels due to its high price policy, the popularity of cPanel continues to increase day by day, especially when functionality and official support factors are considered. You can choose between cPanel or other panels according to your needs and technical skills. We hope this guide has helped you make the right choice.